מינוטן פֿון בּטחון
By Mordkhe Gebirtig
Yidn! Zol zayn freylekh! Jews, be happy!
Shoyn nisht lang, ikh hof it won’t be long, I hope.
S’ekt bald di milkhome, the war will soon be over,
Es kumt bald zeyer sof. and soon their end will come.
Freylekh! Nor nisht zorgn Be cheerful and don’t worry
Un nisht arumgeyn trib don’t carry on in grief-
Hot geduld, bitokhn have patience, have confidence
Un nemt alts on far lib and take hard times in stride.
Nor geduld, bitokhn remember: patience, confidence
Nisht lozt aroys fun hant don’t let slip away
Undzer alt klezayen, those ancient weapons that unite
Vos halt undz nokh baynand Our people to this day.
Hulyet, tantst talyonim! Revel, dance, you hangmen!
Shoyn nisht lang, ikh hof It won’t be long, I hope
Geven amol a Homen Once there was a Haman,
Es vart af aykh zayn sof. his fate awaits you, too!